The Brigadier
2005-11-13 11:01:48 UTC
Again these people who have always been against me are after me .. I
got some cat food in my mailbox again today on 11/13/2005 as I did in
1999 and 2004 ... it is a crime to put some cat food in people's
(NOTE: This is an interesting observation of the current situation in
Finland and Varkaus, Finland).
At the first time they put this cat food in my mailbox in December
1999, when the CIA and my former U.S. spouse tried to steal my moneys.
I believe they have been with Nokia Corp and the government of Finland
against me and my thoughts. I lived in Atlanta at the time in 1999.
After this my former U.S. spouse divorced me.
After this incident in 1999 there have been many other incidents linked
to cats such as people calling the animal control and complaining about
cats and other matters relating to cats without any reason in Varkaus,
Finland. Once they, the city gov of Varkaus, came to check cats after I
had emailed some bankers some messages about Finland and Finnish
violations. Some people just try to hurt me and my life. They do not
want me to write the truth. I suspect these people are linked to Kari
Rajamaki, cops of Varkaus, the military of Finland and law enforcement
and many others such as SUPO, the Security Police of Finland). I
suspect these people are so called the mafia of Finland.
Today I received some cat food again and I expect them to try to hurt
my life again. I have not done anything to these people, but they try
to hurt me and my life. I do not even see any people here in Varkaus,
Finland. I do not even talk with locals here in Varkaus, Finland. But
why do they try to hurt me? They do not like my thoughts. I believe
they are with the CIA and they are with those people who had told my
father that they try to kill me in April 2003. They are with those
local cops of Varkaus, who tried to find some drugs in the summer of
2002 and did an illegal search of my properties without me being
present at the time. I believe their objective is to harm and hurt me,
although I have not hurt them.
Actually, I believe that they are listening my and my father's house in
Varkaus. We have occassionally drunk some alcohol and at all those
times, when it may have been close that I might have driven under
influence of alcohol, there has been some alcohol test trap in Varkaus.
I would understand, if it had happened once or twice, but it has
happened three times and in all those times (three) it could have been
close that I might have driven under influence of alcohol, but I did
not. And they have never tested in any other times. Most recently this
happened on last Tuesday (11/8/2005)- they had set up even "a special
alcohol test trap" near Savontie. But I have never driven under
influence of any alcohol. Actually, once when I drove from Mikkeli to
Varkaus around at this time of the year in 2004 and I told my father in
my automobile that I go to Tokmann (a local store in Varkaus) and
purchase 12 beers and drink one and then drive to my and my father's
house, there were two cops waiting in the front of the house and made
me to do a DUI test. They are after me without me having done anything
to them and in the process they are violating my human rights, which is
a crime. I suspect they actually had listened my automobile as they
have listened my home, which is specifically a crime.
I have written about this totally illegal surveillance of my private
spaces and locations earlier and provided some examples such as one,
when Markku Pollanen, Nokia Corporation, called at the number of the
house after I had said some words in my private room. They are just my
enemies. They actually listen and surveil the telephone line too
without me having done anything criminal. Why? Because they are
These people are, I believe, linked to Nokia Corporation, the CIA and
the military and government of Finland including the local law
enforcement of Finland. I believe they have classified me as the enemy
of theirs without me ever having done anything, but written on the
USENET. I may have supported the USSR, which made me their enemy, but
this is no crime in the world. People support the USA, France and
others, but I may support the USSR. People can support whatever they
I also believe these people are linked to people who cancelled one of
my messages on "HUIHAI" recently on the USENET. They started their
"cancelling activities" in February 2000. They are Nokia people such as
Markku Pollanen, Markku Saarinen and some others I suspect. Actually,
Markku Saarinen wrote on the USENET in 2000 that he could start
cancelling my postings and he actually did once it as I recall. And he
has also called me in name such as HUIHAI etc. But this is also a crime
- he has harmed my reputation and hurt my art work on the USENET.
As one Greek said in Miami "Treat people the way they treat others" so
if Nokia people are hurting people such as myself who have never hurt
them, please, the world hurt Nokia Corporation and other people who try
to hurt me. I do not need their cat food.
Markku J. Saarelainen
The Brigadier
Varkaus, Finland, the EU
P.S. I hope that they would stop putting that cat food in my mailbox
already, because it is also a crime to put some cat food in other
people's mailboxes.
got some cat food in my mailbox again today on 11/13/2005 as I did in
1999 and 2004 ... it is a crime to put some cat food in people's
(NOTE: This is an interesting observation of the current situation in
Finland and Varkaus, Finland).
At the first time they put this cat food in my mailbox in December
1999, when the CIA and my former U.S. spouse tried to steal my moneys.
I believe they have been with Nokia Corp and the government of Finland
against me and my thoughts. I lived in Atlanta at the time in 1999.
After this my former U.S. spouse divorced me.
After this incident in 1999 there have been many other incidents linked
to cats such as people calling the animal control and complaining about
cats and other matters relating to cats without any reason in Varkaus,
Finland. Once they, the city gov of Varkaus, came to check cats after I
had emailed some bankers some messages about Finland and Finnish
violations. Some people just try to hurt me and my life. They do not
want me to write the truth. I suspect these people are linked to Kari
Rajamaki, cops of Varkaus, the military of Finland and law enforcement
and many others such as SUPO, the Security Police of Finland). I
suspect these people are so called the mafia of Finland.
Today I received some cat food again and I expect them to try to hurt
my life again. I have not done anything to these people, but they try
to hurt me and my life. I do not even see any people here in Varkaus,
Finland. I do not even talk with locals here in Varkaus, Finland. But
why do they try to hurt me? They do not like my thoughts. I believe
they are with the CIA and they are with those people who had told my
father that they try to kill me in April 2003. They are with those
local cops of Varkaus, who tried to find some drugs in the summer of
2002 and did an illegal search of my properties without me being
present at the time. I believe their objective is to harm and hurt me,
although I have not hurt them.
Actually, I believe that they are listening my and my father's house in
Varkaus. We have occassionally drunk some alcohol and at all those
times, when it may have been close that I might have driven under
influence of alcohol, there has been some alcohol test trap in Varkaus.
I would understand, if it had happened once or twice, but it has
happened three times and in all those times (three) it could have been
close that I might have driven under influence of alcohol, but I did
not. And they have never tested in any other times. Most recently this
happened on last Tuesday (11/8/2005)- they had set up even "a special
alcohol test trap" near Savontie. But I have never driven under
influence of any alcohol. Actually, once when I drove from Mikkeli to
Varkaus around at this time of the year in 2004 and I told my father in
my automobile that I go to Tokmann (a local store in Varkaus) and
purchase 12 beers and drink one and then drive to my and my father's
house, there were two cops waiting in the front of the house and made
me to do a DUI test. They are after me without me having done anything
to them and in the process they are violating my human rights, which is
a crime. I suspect they actually had listened my automobile as they
have listened my home, which is specifically a crime.
I have written about this totally illegal surveillance of my private
spaces and locations earlier and provided some examples such as one,
when Markku Pollanen, Nokia Corporation, called at the number of the
house after I had said some words in my private room. They are just my
enemies. They actually listen and surveil the telephone line too
without me having done anything criminal. Why? Because they are
These people are, I believe, linked to Nokia Corporation, the CIA and
the military and government of Finland including the local law
enforcement of Finland. I believe they have classified me as the enemy
of theirs without me ever having done anything, but written on the
USENET. I may have supported the USSR, which made me their enemy, but
this is no crime in the world. People support the USA, France and
others, but I may support the USSR. People can support whatever they
I also believe these people are linked to people who cancelled one of
my messages on "HUIHAI" recently on the USENET. They started their
"cancelling activities" in February 2000. They are Nokia people such as
Markku Pollanen, Markku Saarinen and some others I suspect. Actually,
Markku Saarinen wrote on the USENET in 2000 that he could start
cancelling my postings and he actually did once it as I recall. And he
has also called me in name such as HUIHAI etc. But this is also a crime
- he has harmed my reputation and hurt my art work on the USENET.
As one Greek said in Miami "Treat people the way they treat others" so
if Nokia people are hurting people such as myself who have never hurt
them, please, the world hurt Nokia Corporation and other people who try
to hurt me. I do not need their cat food.
Markku J. Saarelainen
The Brigadier
Varkaus, Finland, the EU
P.S. I hope that they would stop putting that cat food in my mailbox
already, because it is also a crime to put some cat food in other
people's mailboxes.